Thursday, January 20, 2011

Paul's Report on International Antiquarian Bookfair in Hong Kong 2010

The fourth International Antiquarian Bookfair in Hong Kong  was held in December 2010 at Number 1 Pacific Place and it was very successful.

Around the world we keep hearing stories of the great financioal crisis, the Euro Crisi, the overprinting of the US $ and other stories of doom and gloom.

However there was no evidence of any of this at the book fair.

There were forty one exhibitors from France, United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, Italy, Spain, Sweden and of course Hong Kong. It was a true International gathering of Antiquarian Booksellers.

Over one thousand people attended the fair over the three day period. And these visitors showed their appreciation of the material on offer by opening their wallets and making purchases.

Many rare and beautiful historical books, documents, maps and posters were displayed for sale. There was a great variety of subjects covering all geographic areas of the world with a particular emphasis on Asia and more especially Hong Kong and China.

Many books and maps which are very scarce were displayed. The material was mostly from the West and in Western languages with the majority being in English but French and German language material was also available as were a smaller number of Chinese items.

Total sales at the fair exceeded $8,000,000. The most expensive item sold was a hand written letter from Chairman Mao. Decorative items such as posters and maps were popular as well as ancient books with colour plates, especially those with a Chinese theme.

The customers at the fair came from Mainland China, from Hong Kong and other parts of Asia as well as Australia and Europe. There was an equal mixture of both local and expatriate customers.

The fair was considered by most exhibitors to be very successful and many have already signed up to attend the event which will be held on the first week end of December 2011.

Paul J. Feain 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hong Kong Bookfair - A place to sell books

This year at the International Bookfair in Hong Kong some booksellers said it was their best ever. I was told by one bookseller that they sold half their stock and by others that it was their best sales yet. There were some big purchases at the fair, the highest 1.2 million Hong Kong dollars. 

We saw some familiar faces as well as some new comers. Booksellers are no longer just coming to experience Hong Kong they are coming for business. Mainland China is buying up big in all areas. It is an exciting time for book selling. 

Below are some photos that I took during the fair. 

Amanda Morris from Allsworth Rare Books

Barbara Grigor-Taylor from Cavendish Rare Books

Bernard Shapero from Bernard J. Shapero Rare Books

Bjorn Lowendahl from Mulberry Tree Rare Books

Cathy and David Lilburn from Antipodean Books, Maps and Prints

Christian Jonkers from Jonkers

Cynthia from Swindon Books

Daphne and Maria from Sage Communications - Our publicity power team.

Douglas and Barbara

Lorence Johnson from Lok Man Rare Books

Me - a little exhausted from organising the fair and Cornstalk's Stand
Emily and Nicholas Ingleton from the Tuttle Corporation

Fiona Kells from Book of Kells

Fredrik Muller

Gerald Stodolski from Gerald AJ Stodolski

Ian Smith from Bernard Quaritch 

James Hallgate from Lucius Books and Pom Harrington from Peter Harrington 

Jenny Allsworth from Allsworth Rare Books

Josh and Douglas

Josh Carey from Bondi Books and Lorence Johnson from Lok Man Rare Books

Josh Carey Bondi Books

Justin Schiller and Dennis Davis from Battledore Ltd.

Katherine Spears from Bernard Quartich

Mireille Romand from Galerie Documents 

Mistuo Nitta from Yushodo Ltd

Nigel Firth from Highgrove Florilegium

Pablo Butcher and Yves Azsemar from Indosiam Rare Books 

Pom Harrington from Peter Harrington 

Pom and Ian

Rob Rulon-Miller from Rulon-Miller Books

 Kazuo Namikawa from Ogawatosho - A seriously funny bookseller - known mostly for selling really cool books, but in quiet times he played air drums, warmed up for swimming races and generally made people giggle.

If you would like to exhibit or attend Hong Kong Bookfair please email me at