I tighten the laces on my sneakers. The grass is wet under my feet. The air is cold, mist blankets the park. At this moment I don’t have to think, just let the world pass me by. Two cute dogs play under the large spanning branches of a fig tree. A mother accompanies her son and daughter to school. Their bags packed and blue uniforms on. I think the little ones shirt is inside out and back to front. :) Business men in suits race to the station. This is a moment of bliss in what will become a very busy day. Between managing staff in the shop, organizing the boss and the people in our Hong Kong Antiquarian Bookfair, I wonder how I ever sell a book.
Let's skip forward to lunch time. The Cornstalk Bookshop is full with people. They have roamed the streets and then through the front doors. There is a warm buzz; people want to find a book. It must be the weather. It is fresh outside and the skies are grey. It’s perfect reading weather. I spoon mouthfuls of my lunch into my mouth as I chat to customers. The books you want are in the back room. Pacific books are upstairs. The phone has been running off the hook today. Lights are flashing at me. Do you have this book? Yes, I'll pop it in the post today. Do you buy books? Yes. When do you want us to visit you?
Somehow, lunch gets finished but now the ebay staff are looking at me anxiously as I help another customer. Olivia and Wei Jing are so conscientious. I smile at them - and give them a quick look 'just wait a second'. I hand the customer a couple of books and then find a few books for the ebay girls.
Now where was I? Ah... fixing the web site; patience is a skill and shortcuts don’t exist. It’s finicky work, where one letter or punctuation can bring down a page.... I just got an email from our computer technician. You have one comma in the wrong place. haha I can fix that!
Now, who can I sell a book to?
Very nice one, the hustle and bustle of another real day, was perfectly rended~! Did you write it down at the end of your working day, simply pouring your thoughts on the post without planning any , and yourself "locked out" inside the empty Cornstalk~?
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