Monday, June 27, 2011

Edmund Brumfitt from Pickering and Chatto

Edmund Brumfitt from Pickering and Chatto

Edmund Brumfitt was one of the first international bookseller that I ever met. I'd just started working at The Cornstalk Bookshop and one afternoon had gone to an old friend's house for a get together. Edmund was there and spoke of a book shop in London that he worked called Pickering and Chatto. Quite a few years later I walk through Olympia fair I run into his familiar face. I ask him how he is going. 

He has a big grin on his face as he tells me that he is well and still enjoying book selling after 12 years. Pickering and Chatto have been in operation for nearly two hundred years so Edmund is a relatively young bookseller. His stand is filled with interesting nick-nacks and ephemeral items. My eyes dashed around excitedly. I was unsure about which thing looked most interesting and so I said. "What is your favourite thing on the stand?" He picks up and international fair book with glossy elaborately decorated covers. Within the covers is a sort of scrap book with among other things photographs and memorial cards. It was a really lovely item, and I immediately understood why he chose it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (Sorry for the above comment, it was a huge grammatical fail for some reason :D)
    I just had a short email conversation with him about work experience at Pickering & Chatto. From the way he writes I could tell I'm communicating with a very interesting and outgoing person. I'm glad to see that the image in my head fits the real thing.
